We hear you.
AudioDiary is a super smart voice journal that captures, organizes and analyzes life's moments.

Just talk, and AudioDiary will help you reflect on your day and suggest goals for you to set.
of people feel better after a session with AudioDiary.**Based on a survey of 100 AudioDiary users.
Hundreds of 5-star reviews
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Where is my data stored?+
All recordings are encrypted and stored securely on Amazon AWS servers. Your account data (email, preferences, etc) is stored separately on DigitalOcean. Both providers are very highly regarded and use bank-grade encryption. Access is restricted to comply with the strictest of privacy standards.
Does OpenAI use my recordings to train their AI models?+
No. We have a GDPR-compliant agreement with OpenAI that prohibits them from using your data to train their models. Transcriptions and analyses are processed securely and privately.
Can I disable the AI features?+
The AI is core to AudioDiary's functionality, so it can't be turned off. If you prefer a non-AI journaling tool, we recommend using the stock voice recording app on your phone (which misses out on lots of the cool features that AudioDiary has!)
Who besides me can access my data?+
Your entries are private. AudioDiary employees do not access your recordings or transcripts unless explicitly required by law (e.g., a valid court order). Third-party providers (AWS, DigitalOcean) follow strict protocols and also cannot access your data without legal mandates.
Please see:
Please see:
How do I permanently delete my data?+
You can delete individual entries (or your entire account) in the app at any time.
What's included in the paid plan?+
The paid plan has a whole host of features including 10 times more recording time, super smart AI analysis, custom tagging, custom themes, dream analysis, 10 photo uploads per day, and more features yet to come!
Will my entries be used for ads or marketing?+
We do not sell, share, or monetize, or in any way use your journal entries other than to serve YOU—paid or free. Your recordings are strictly private.
Can I export my data?+
Yes, at any time, paid or free. We provide a comprehensive export functionality that lets you export all the audio, transcripts, images, and even markdown sent straight to your email. You also get a PDF of your full diary that you could print out!